Almost anywhere you can see a variety of signs: information, signs, address, warning, etc. It is hard to imagine our life without these simple, but very necessary and sometimes very important information carriers.
Most often, all these plates are made on plastic with a vinyl film glued to the surface. They (plates on plastic) are the most inexpensive and therefore very popular. Plastic signs are great for those who want to pay a little more than metal signs. At the same time, beauty and durability are at a high level.
It is worth paying attention to the manufacture of information and address plates on plastic. Low cost and fast production make it easy to replace the plate with a new one if necessary.
How plastic signs are made
We prepare the plastic in the required configuration and glue Oracal vinyl film of a certain color on its surface. This film has many shades from which you can choose the one you want.
Then a vinyl film pre-cut on a plotter is glued onto the PVC plastic.
Due to the high quality and weather-resistant vinyl film, we boldly guarantee a long service life of our signs on the houses - 8-10 years.
Thanks to the use of plastic and film in the product, we can offer address plates for the house for every taste.
You can choose any configuration, background color and inscriptions based on the color of the roof and walls of your house. The sizes of the plates can be different, while the price of the address plate will be very pleasant.
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